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Indira’s Book

You: A Spiritual Being on a Spiritual Journey, a new paradigm for living life


Get an understanding of how from Conception to Death our lives are really set up for us to live a truly remarkable and fulfilling life from our Self.

The practice that allows us to live this life is called Connecting. My book is a guide for you to experience your intuitive Self and learn this practice.

With links to MP3 exercises and guided audios, this book provides you with tools to Connect to your intuitive Self for answers that will help you in any area of your life including career, finance, health, and relationships.

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“Can’t imagine life without THIS. Absolute must read for any human being and any moment of their life.”
“I started reading this book and am already seeing wonderful effects! Right from the first chapter.”
“This is a phenomenal book.”
“Indira has a uniquely different approach in her book that is truly life altering.”
“A must read for all human beings.”

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