Journal your Mind Audio
Breakthrough Your Mind’s Control Of You
The fact is – the mind drives your life by controlling how you feel. Breaking through your mind’s control of you is creating a moment by moment awareness – of seeing your mind for what it is – a TOOL for you to live your true Self. In this audio you WILL have a profound shift to feeling freer and lighter as you take control of YOU.
Journal Your Mind
What is your mind saying to you? In this Audio, you will discover how your mind has made a lot of decisions, that make what you think and feel seem true. This Audio will teach you to see these thoughts as just thoughts. This shift is powerful! You will experience a sense of freedom and peace as you release these thoughts. Have your notebook and pen and click below to begin.
Membership Tip: This exercise is great to do at least once a month! It will allow you to get out ALL of your mind’s thoughts, and access your Self. This a powerful exercise because you can see (in writing) the thoughts coming from your mind!
Experience The Peace Of No Mind
We cannot catch up to how FAST he mind runs – every second of our life.
Whether you can hear it or not your mind IS going 100 miles a second. That is why when you can UNPLUG the speed of the mind you can experience a level of PEACE that you have never known before now.
In this audio you will have a TOTALLY new experience of the mind’s speed allowing you to DISCOVER, in the absence of ALL mind, Real Peace.
Unplug Your Mind’s Non-Stop Thoughts
There are times when our mind is VERY strong. Non-stop thoughts race through our mind. They are strong and compelling telling us how to feel and what to think – they make us feel like it IS REAL. In this audio you’ll release this flood of thoughts freeing you from the mind’s fear and anxiety
Observe The Mind’s Speed
There are times when our mind is VERY strong. Non-stop thoughts race through our mind. They are strong and compelling telling us We cannot catch up to how FAST the mind runs – every second of our life. Whether we can hear it or not, our mind IS going 100 miles a second. That is why when we can UNPLUG the speed of the mind we can experience a new level of PEACE, that is present, only when we are void of the mind. In this audio you will have a totally new experience of the mind’s speed allowing you to experience a new level of REAL peace.
Transform An Area - Switch From Mind To Self
The Power of this audio is that you get to FEEL and SEE the true difference, in ONLY 5 minutes, between the mind’s thoughts and the thoughts of your Self in ANY situation. Click below to begin!