Rules and Guidelines
A judgment free zone
Our Community Board is a judgement free zone. Our posts are designed to empower and support. When we judge we are being ‘mindful”. Any posts that disempowers will be removed.
Respect for each other.
Do not use profanity or discriminatory remarks. Creating a space of respect empowers us to be open and vulnerable. Let your contribution lift and empower our oneness.
No selling or promoting outside services.
Our Community Board is to support each person in their commitment to getting guidance and answers from Self. It is a platform where we support each other from this intention. As such we do not allow and promote selling or soliciting of other products.
I designed the IndiraLife Member Community Board as the hub of your membership for you to have a support structure for your success. The more you use it and participate the stronger our community will become and more of you will have extraordinary results.
Let’s do this together.
With love,